My Hardware Den

Welcome to my hardware den!

I love computers! I completely enjoy how precise they are. It's great how the pc is modularized and how you can create any pc for nearly any need.

If you need a super-computer to crunch numbers and have the cash do buy the parts, no problem. Maybe you want a gaming machine with extreme frame rates, or perhaps you need ultra-high resolution for doing artwork or HD video editing. Maybe you're a musician and need a computer for composition and playback, or maybe you're a sound effects engineer and need to edit, compile and playback movie special effects. Whatever you want to do, even design a house or simply write a school paper, a computer can be designed and built that can likely do it and fit your needs. Back in the 1950s, 60s, 70s, and even the 1980s that was all science fiction and only in the minds of some authors and other creative people. It's mind-blowing how much has changed in my short lifetime! When I was born in 1967 you couldn't own a personal computer as they didn't even exist yet. And consider all the toys we take for granted today. Cell phones? That was foolish Star Trek like dreaming... and they canceled that show.

Unreal eh?
