Course Grading | Dropping Class | DSPS | Login Help || Netiquette | Online Help | Schedule | Student Outcomes | Textbook
Instructor: | Professor T. DeDonno | Semester | Spring 2025 | |
Office Hours | Ticket # | #13705A |
Class Site : | | Room # | Office Hour |
Central Web-Site | | Time & Day | Canvas has full set of webcasts/video.
Students completing this course satisfactorily will be able to:
The comprehensive version is the brief version with additional chapters. If you want a hard copy of a large Java textbook, you can buy a used version of the Comprehensive version.
For this class, the least expensive option is a 2 month person rental for $10.99/month, or a 180 day rental @ $45 PDF. You can also buy a used book, you don't need access codes.
Intro to Java Programming (Amazon pricing varies as of 12/28/22 they had 23 used versions for $20) Brief Version (10th Edition), by Y. Daniel Liang (Author) ISBN-10: 0133592200, ISBN-13: 978-0133592207 Valor Books (Rental $45 11th edition) (You don't need access codes or companion) - Online VitalSource($44/180 days) - The bookstore is not listing online version. - You don't need access codes to buy a used version of the textbook.
Optional you may purchase Pearson Online content which includes the 10th edition of the textbook and video notes:
Pearson 12th edition, looseleaf for $46; Rental $36; Revel 14-day access, revel includes Online textbook access, video notes, and tutorials. This should provide adequate background to complete the assignments. Canvas does have a full set of webcasts and videos for completing the course.
Intro to Java Programming (Amazon pricing varies as of 12/28/22 they had 23 used versions for $20) Brief Version (10th Edition), by Y. Daniel Liang (Author) ISBN-10: 0133592200, ISBN-13: 978-0133592207 Valor Books (Rental $45 11th edition) (You don't need access codes or companion) - Online VitalSource($44/180 days) - The bookstore is not listing online version. - You don't need access codes to buy a used version of the textbook.
You may purchase the 9th Edition - it's a lot less expensive.
Optional you may purchase Pearson Online content which includes the 10th edition of the textbook and video notes:
Pearson 12th edition, looseleaf for $46; Rental $36; Revel 14-day access, revel includes Online textbook access, video notes, and tutorials. This should provide adequate background to complete the assignments. Canvas does have a full set of webcasts and videos for completing the course.
Optional if you want the most recent edition you may buy the more expensive 11th edition instead. The author has been very good at adding new Java features to his textbook. However, as a language matures, they tend to add new capacities/features which results in language bloat. Language bloat occurs when a language has features that overlap previous capabilities and are seldom used.
(Most Update to, but more expensive) Intro to Java (brief -Online amazon $53/$130 New) ., 11th edition Y. Daniel Laing (Author) ISBN-13: 978-0134611037 ISBN-10: 0134611039, March/2017.
In both cimp7a and cimp7b, we cover only part of the brief version, but if you want a longer textbook with additional chapters, you can purchase one of the comprehensive versions instead. The comprehensive is the brief with additional chapters.
Introduction to Java Programming, Comprehensive Version (10th Edition) by Y. Daniel Liang. (Author) Publisher: Prentice Hall; 10th edition (Jan. 6 2014) ISBN-10: 0133761312.ISBN-13:978-0132936521, - Valor Books. - Online PDF version ($71/180Days)
Introduction to Java Programming, Comprehensive Version (9th Edition) by Y. Daniel Laing(Author) Publisher: Prentice Hall; 9th edition (March 12, 2012) ISBN-10:0132936526 ISBN-13:978-0132936521, Online 9th Edition Online Brief Edition- Amazon Used Pricking often Inexpensive.
Introduction to Java Programming, Comprehensive Version (8th Edition) (Paperback) by Y. Daniel Laing (Author) Publisher: Prentice Hall; 8 edition (Jan 13, 2010) ISBN-10:0132130807 ISBN-13:978-0132130806, Online 8th Edition.
Course grade consists of assignments, (50%), Canvas quizzes (20%) and Canvas tests (30%). Canvas weekly due modules is your course guide. Since this is an on-line class you are required to forward your Saddleback e-mail address to your main e-mail. When sending e-mails, make sure you include cimp7a or Java in subject line. Academic Integrity is critical to passing this course. Using AI to complete work is a violation of academic integrity. Failure to abide by academic integrity can result in a failing grade. For further information on academic integrity consult UCSD Professor Elkan's Written Description., AI policy and cim site policy. Academic work, especially criticism and research, involve using the work of other writers, researchers, and artists. Students need to know they are allowed to use this material, so long as they supply attribution. In addition, if you use the work of any other writer, researcher, or artist, even an image from the Internet, you need to provide attribution and ensure you are modeling fair use. Refer to the Creative Commons page for further information. The course grade will be calculated from:
100%-92% | A/Credit/ P Pass | Assignments* | 50% | |
91.99%-84% | B/Credit/ P Pass | Canvas Tests (Midterm/Final) | 30% | |
83.99%-70% | C/Credit/ P Pass | Canvas Quizzes and discussion boards | 20% | |
69.99%-60% | D/No Credit/NP | Total | 100% | |
59.99%-0% | F/No Credit/NP | *Assignments grades and due dates(except checking for program comments) are displayed on submit. Last day of class is last day of class. You may not submit anything 9 hours after the last day of class. However, you may submit late assignment prior last day subject to the following penalties: 7 days late at 25% penalty, after 7 days penalty is 50%. **Canvas quizzes are due same time as assignments, however you cannot usually take quizzes/tests up to the canvas expiration date, no penalty for taking quizzes/tests after due date. But once expiration date hits, quizzes/tests are gone forever. To view your quiz grades, click the Canvas's quiz grades tab. Assignment page and schedule list exact due dates. |
In this hybrid course, you are recommended to submit the discussions and assignments by the Monday due date. Canvas quiz/tests/discussion normally expires 2 days later on Wednesday. Once a discussion closes, you won’t be able to post or respond so please set a reminder for those due dates. Check the calendar in Canvas for due dates and reminders. A handy tip is to set a calendar item or alarm on your phone to remind yourself of the Monday due dates. If you cannot complete an assignment on time due to extenuating circumstances, contact me asap.
Consult current schedule for exact dates.
If you discover a clerical error, tell me immediately. The following Statute of Limitations will apply: You have one week from the day any graded assignment or test is returned to you to appeal the grade you received. After one week, I will assume that you believe the grade you got is the correct one. After one week, grades are unchangeable, fixed, and permanent
Any exceptions to the above statements will be considered individually & only if you approach me about the proposed exception at least a week in advance.
This is an on on-line - distance educational (DE) course.
The weekly Canvas announcement will concisely summarize what you need to complete each week. The assignment page provides a detailed course guide. Work on all assignments one at a time, in the order they are listed. At the start of the course weekly welcome announcement will be sent to your Saddleback e-mail address. For a due date summary of the entire course consult the schedule.
Regular effective contact between the Professor and student is required for success. This class we will have weekly videos, web-casts and frequent emails (several per week), will post threaded discussion on important e-mails. In the past students seem to prefer the email communication over discussion board. The assignment page is very detailed on purpose it specifically address many of the questions raised in the past. When required actual phone calls will be made. and instructor does offer in-person help. In addition to in-person help we have 24/7 access to webcasting software. With webcasting software instructor/student can share screen and provides VOIP (Voice over IP - Internet) interactive connections.
Saddleback college also offers more individualized DE help at Canvas, login, or general Technical Support
The canvas site has two important links for help: student guides, and browser support (I don't recommended working on this class from a smartphone)
Netiquette is Internet manners, online etiquette, and digital etiquette all rolled into one word. Basically, netiquette is a set of rules for behaving properly online. Students are to comply with the following rules of netiquette:
Student Expectations To be successful in this course, you are expected to: Complete the Student Learning Contract by Friday of the first week. Read the entire Syllabus. Consistently check Announcements, your school email account and Canvas Inbox. Review the Calendar for due dates. Participate in Discussions (post weekly and response to your classmates). Turn in your own work that's been thoughtfully completed. Proofread for errors in spelling and grammar. Communicate with your instructor with any problems or confusion well in advance of the due date. Complete all projects, discussions, assignments, online quizzes and/or exams on time. What to Expect from your Instructor As your instructor, I will Communicate to you via your school email address, announcements, and Canvas Inbox. Respond to your email or phone message within 24-48 hours. Monitor all discussions and provide feedback to the entire class where needed at least weekly. Provide individual feedback on assignments/papers/projects within one week of the due date. Work with you so you will have a successful learning experience in this course! Provide all course material in an accessible format.
Communication is the most important element in an online course. I encourage you to send me an email message if you have an urgent issue. You can post a question in the Student Lounge to see if other students can lend a hand.
Please complete the Student Learning Contract, post your introduction, respond to at least two classmates then complete any activities required for Module 01. T
For online discussions to be successful, it is recommended that you participate within the designated time period indicated in the course. As you develop your response here are a few tips you can use to avoid the "I agree or disagree' responses
If you have a general course question, post it in the Course Related Questions Discussion. Keep in mind that if you have a question, many other students might have the same question and this gives students the opportunity to communicate with each other.
General Question Example: When is the assignment due? I need help with the steps on page __. Can you explain ____?
If you have an urgent course related or personal question, send me an email message. Type the course name/number in the subject line of your e-mail and include your first and last name with your StudentID#.
Personal Question Example: What did I miss in the _____ assignment or quiz?
Quizzes are based on material covered in the Modules as well as the assigned readings in the textbook, associated videos and other instructional materials.
You will have 40 minutes to complete each quiz/exam and 1 attempt.
Download the Canvas Mobile App (Apple iOS Canvas App . for iPhone/iPad, Android Canvas App)
Mobile Guides for Canvas
Tip: If your computer crashes, you can always use your Smartphone or Tablet to access your course materials! Taking quizzes, or watching webcasts is can be done on a mobile devices. However, it is recommended you use a large screen device when interacting with submit or using an IDE.
Post Your Introduction!
I'm truly excited to meet all of you! It's so interesting to learn about our classmates when we are in a face to face class, and to accomplish this for our online course, we will use our Discussions to get to know a little bit about each other. We will also use the forum section to discuss topics throughout the course. Another way to get to know something about your personality is for you to upload your image, or other appropriate graphic in the profile section of this course. Please post tasteful and appropriate images for this academic environment. (How to add a profile picture in my user account?
Post a short introduction, at least 25 words, telling us;
At first, online courses can seem overwhelming, so you may be searching for comfort food during the first week! I’d say for me it’s probably ice cream, so share your favorite ice cream flavor or “go to comfort food” with us in your post.
After you type your initial post by Wednesday evening, read through the other entries and reply directly to at least two classmates by Friday evening. When you reply, please type the name of the classmate you are responding to, provide a welcome message to that person, and type your name at the bottom of the message. Make sure to use proper grammar, capitalization, (I instead of i) and punctuation in this college level course in all correspondence. Please avoid “text” or “twitter speak” when corresponding.
Post by Wednesday evening at 11:59 pm Pacific Time and Respond to at least two classmates by Sunday evening at 11:59 pm Pacific Time.
To view the grading rubric for this discussion, click the menu icon (upper right) and then click Show Rubric.
Looking forward to meeting all of you!