# Create 20 queries for these 20 comments
# use submit to hand in the assignment
# assignment is casinoNoJoin.sql, it is extra credit, worth only 10 points
# each query is just 1/2 point
# Premiere home page and PHPMyAdmin Import has
# casino creation scripts.
#You may attempt the queries as many times
# as your want last attempted score is recorded.

#1 display database table names in casino database
#2 display URL list of all casinos
#3 display name, credit for all players, with highest credits first
#4 display each row for all active game tables, you will use gameTable fields
#5 Display Time length (in fractional hours) display as hours,  for all completed tables
#5 for five you will have to use the MySQL UNIX_TIMESTAMP function, on both endTime and startTime
#6 display all rows records  for all types of games
#7 display gameID for VideoPoker
#8 Display player info for all bankrupt players (zero or less credit)
#9 how many software agents (computer game players do we have?)
#10 what is the total credit for all Casino players
#11 Display agentID,creator and Java Class Name of all agents
#12 list playerID, net gain total for each gamePlayer
#13 list ID, number of different games for each casino
#14 list current number of different types of games 
#15 Display all players sorted by name in lexical graphical order
#16 Display player info of only the highest credit  player
#17 Display playerID for all players who played in gameTableID=2002
#18 using view activeGameTable, display gameTableID of table with the most chairs
#19 display all rows in activeGamePlayer for players at table with most chairs
#20 Describe field names and types for view: activeGameTable