
Saddleback College - Business Science Division

Course Syllabus

CS4A Introduction to Java for Computer Science

8/24/2009 - 12/20/2009

Instructor: Professor T. DeDonno Semester Fall 09
Office Hours E-Mail: Ticket # 10040
Class Site : Room # SME 301
Central Web-Site Time & Day Tu/Th 4:30-6PM
Course Description
An introduction to developing Java applications and applets. Topics include classes, inheritance, exceptions, arrays, vectors, recursion, streams, the abstract windowing tool kit, and swing components..
Course Objectives
Upon completion of this course, the student will be able to:
  1. Describe the social and economic impact of Java as a platform independent language
  2. Design and test Java applications using object oriented design techniques.
  3. Design and test Java applets using object oriented design techniques.
  4. Compare and contrast Java to other high level programming languages.
  5. Design and test Java applications and applets which examine the basic features of the language including GUI design and file I/O.
Required Textbook
Introduction to Java Programming, Comprehensive Version (7th Edition) (Paperback) by Y. Daniel Liang (Author) Publisher: Prentice Hall; 7 edition (May 12, 2008) ISBN-10: 0136012671 ISBN-13: 978-0136012672
Course Grading
Course grade consists of assignments, quizzes and tests. Since this class meets only twice a week, you will be required to forward your saddleback e-mail address to your main e-mail. When sending e-mails, make sure you include ca4b or Java in subject line. The course grade will be calculated from:
92-100 A   Two Tests and Final (Final is Another Tests) 40%
84-91.9 B live lab Assignments (1 or 2 per chapter) and possible programming projects 40%
65-83.9 C
55-64.9 D
0-54.9 F live lab Quizzes one per chapters 20%

Dropping Class
It is the student's responsibility to officially withdraw (drop) from the class. However, Instructor may drop students under the following conditions:
  1. Students who have not completed at least 1 assignments two days before the drop without W grade.
  2. Students who have not completed at least 50% of the work  by two days before the drop with W grade.
  3. Students who miss 2 or more class session
Regrading Policy
Sometimes you get a grade that you don't like, usually for one of the following reasons:
  1. There was a clerical error  (i.e., the points were added up wrong).
  2. You think you did something right, and I think you did it wrong.

If you discover a clerical error, tell me immediately. The following Statute of Limitations will apply: You have one week from the day any graded assignment or test is returned to you to appeal the grade you received. After one week, I will assume that you believe the grade you got is the correct one. After one week, grades are unchangeable, fixed, and permanen

Special Needs
Students with disabilities are entitled to appropriate accommodations.  If you have specific disabilities requiring accommodations, let your instructor know the first 10 days of the semester so that your learning needs may be met and for referral to the Special Services office where documentation of your disability will be provided to receive services and accommodations.  The Special Services Office is in Student Services Center, Room 113.

Any exceptions to the above statements will be considered individually & only if you approach me about the proposed exception at least a week in advance.

Tentative Class Schedule