# write 10 Queries that answer the 10 Questions below
# using the Submit Program Select fruitCS4B.sql
# you may submit the assignment as many times as your want
# last attempt is recorded

#1 Display contents of fruit Table by increasing price

#2 Display name and price of most expensive fruit

#3 Display all inventory Records

#4 Display total quantity as the column name total, for fruitID with 1

#5 Display name and price for fruitID of 2

#6 Insert cherimoya price 3.5 fruitID=9 at end of fruit table, 
# note this will always pass unless you have syntax error, but the query 7 will fail if 6 is wrong

#7 Display contents fruit table increasing fruitID order

#8 How many fruits are in table:fruit  display column as FruitTypes?

#9 Display average fruit price

#10 Display first three rows in inventory table
